UP10TION, Please


rdering coffee with only body motions? Singing to strangers on the street? You guessed it – this is what fans wanted K-pop boy group UP10TION to do, as a part of their missions to fulfill for Viki Original variety show, “UP10TION, Please.”

In 2017, I wrote and produced “UP10TION, Please,” a 6-episode mini-variety show in collaboration with Korea’s top production house, ZANYBROS. Once again, we put viewer requests at the forefront of show development, and it paid off: garnering a 9.8/10 audience rating, “UP10TION, Please” was translated into nearly 20 different languages by Rakuten Viki’s community of avid fans.



Role: Producer

In 2017, I wrote and produced “UP10TION, Please,” a joint project with Korea’s top production house, ZANYBROS. The show, starring K-Pop boy group UP10TION, is influenced directly by choices made by fans.